What Can Dry  Brushing Do for You?

Dry brushing is another alternative method of relaxation and wellness. Knot Yourself offers dry brushing as a detoxifying method. From exfoliating dry skin to increasing blood circulation, it is a refreshing process. If you are curious about dry brushing, call Knot Yourself today at (330)-461-0769 to learn more.

Picture of towel rack with brushes and towels hanging

Benefits of Dry Brushing

During this exfoliation process, dry brushing unclogs pores, stimulates your nervous system, and promotes lymph flow and drainage. Your lymphatic system carries your white blood cells through your body to promote healing and fight infection. During this process, it picks up excess fluid and waste that need to be filtered out of the body. Dry brushing encourages the removal of the waste and excess fluid in your lymphatic system.

Why Is Dry Brushing Different From Exfoliating in the Shower?

We all love a nice, hot shower, right? Well, what you may not know is that the hot water can dry out your skin. Brushing your skin while it is dry, allows your body to retain the moisture it needs to keep your skin from drying out.

What If I Have Sensitive Skin or a Skin Condition?

At Knot Yourself, we do not brush over cuts, scrapes, lesions, or burned skin. We also avoid areas that are inflamed, irritated, or infected. We cannot recommend dry brushing for anyone with skin conditions such as skin cancer, cellulitis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.